Someday we may meet in person. When we do it’s possible that I’ll introduce myself to you this way. “Hi, my name is Ed Malinowski, I have 3 kids and an amazing wife, and I work as an organizational consultant and coach. But what I really want you to know about me is that I just love people. So I want you to know that you don’t have to be any particular way with me, and that I already love you. I love you exactly the way you are and exactly the way you’re not. And, I want you to know that I know that you love me too, whether you know it or not, and it’s ok either way.”
Who introduces themself that way? First of all, you should read About the Author. But if that doesn’t explain it, I’m sure there will be plenty of posts around the topic of love that will shed some light on the Why of it. For now, just suffice it to say that even though we haven’t met I love you.
Now, not a lot of people comment on my introduction. I don’t really know what people think about it. Probably most of them think, somewhat secretly, “Yeah, well you don’t know me.” I’m sure there are a fair amount of people that believe I’m fairly disingenuous. Either that or if they have no impetus to continue to work (or play) with me, they’ll just disregard what I said and disregard me. But I swear to you that it is possible to love complete strangers and that I do it all the time.
Before we get too far down the path, I want to clearly distinguish that love and sex are very undistinguished in our society. So no, I’m not talking about sex at all.
However, I’ve done a lot of work over the years, deep reflection, development of emotional intelligence, and reflection on what it is to be a human being and as a result I’ve gotten fairly close to a state of truth (hence truth/love/aletheia), at least for a few fleeting moments, of the very nature of reality. And what I’ve come up with is that all there really is, the water we swim in each and every day, is love.
We spend the majority of our days blind to it and pretty much missing the point. But that’s the reason why I’m here, to remind everybody.
This blog, is one avenue of approach. You don’t have to believe what I say here. All I ask is that you read it, and consider.
With Love,