This blog is attempting to forge or carve out a (fairly) uncommon conversational space Being-In-the-World (not really new, because many have spoken from it over the centuries) it may occur to you a certain way. I’m not sure what that way is exactly, but when I’ve listened to such conversations prior to being able to hear such conversations in my past, they occurred many different ways. Gibberish was one way. Poor use of grammar and language was one way. Offensive was another way. Pretentious was definitely a way. In some cases, I would later be able to see, they occurred as a threat. I would react to them as a threat – fight or flight – the lizard brain reactivated. My ego really pissed off. Me reacting self-righteously as a response to the domination that the conversational truths were imposing on me.
I’m not saying that all of these entries are those types because certainly I miss the mark from time to time in my use of language. Perhaps I hadn’t been fully present to and coming from that place of Truth/Love/Aletheia. Truth/Love/Aletheia. Fleeting joy. When I re-read the entries later, and they re-presence now what was present when I wrote them, and it occurs as that space of freedom that Aletheia allows/creates/is and I’m recreated anew in that moment then I know I’ve honored myself. Honored us.
Being present and not, it has had the thought, “What is the point of this blog? Why do you share what you share even though it may never be read, or misconstrued if it is read? Why risk offending people, or exposing yourself or your family to any response to these posts? What makes your blog different from all the other exhibitionists out there blogging away? Who do you think you are? You do know that this is out there for the world to read. You have to continue making a living…”, it rages on, “Have you ever met a management consultant that speaks complete gibberish?”
“Why, yes I have”, I laugh to myself. The conversation clearly dis-pleased.
Today, just now, I had a glimpse of why I share. Why we all share really. A reason of sorts other than the clear Aletheia of it that, “You do, because you do. They do because they do.” It’s so fleeting too…trying to escape me even as I type. I had no intention of making an entry today, but then it was there. And now the normal interruptions of the day are attempting to flit it away.
I (We) share, because it speaks to our (I’m going to use some language here that isn’t quite it) common-ness, our one-ness, our in-common-ness, our being-ness. Even the voyeurs that share things that expose more of the Lie (that is, the not Aletheia), the paparazzi who share the dirt, the ones who gossip and connive about others to get their way and be righteous and self-serving. Those who ensnare us in their storytelling of fear (that is, the not Love).
Our machinery is much more receptive to the fear based conversation as we’re designed to propagate our own survival. Because of this design which often conceals Truth we also aren’t as practiced at speaking or sharing the so what of it. For certain we have a challenge hearing it, really letting it land in our space and alter our being. Always watchful, always on guard protecting this loosely held together story of absurdity.
It is that letting it land in our being, having our experience land in someone else’s being, as close to a why as there is a why. We want to be known. We want our experience to be known. It is our sharing that is our last gasp of hope for us revealing what we’ve forgotten. What we’ve concealed. What we all seek. What makes us who we are.
We (I) share because we are. And I want to type “because we are one” or “because we are known” but that will both illuminate and cloud what it is. We share because we are. We are you and I. We are you and me. We are we. We share because we share this experience.
Just because we appear separated by this flesh bag, this space of air or form or illusion between us DOES NOT mean we aren’t sharing this experience. Just because you’re reading my thoughts that I typed at 1:43 pm (EST) while it’s (Insert your current time and time zone here) does not mean that you weren’t a part of my experience. Your experience is my experience.
They share (those Kardashians do) because they want to be known (they want to know they are known – because they are). We watch and we listen and reflect to better know ourselves, to better know you, to better know we/I/you/me/us/truth/love/aletheia. Who we all are. Together.
They share their experience of God, their religion, their truth so you can acknowledge the parts of those truths that they’ve experienced for themselves as truth for yourself. Because the parts that are true for them are true for you. Not conceptual truth – Aletheia truth. The parts that can’t actually be spoken about.
They share their camping trip to Middle Bass Island so you can experience those truths of being family of being love of being human of being free of being fun and know that we share those things from when you have experienced those truths.
They share their political beliefs – the ones for smaller government and caring for those in poverty – to be known. Because those parts of their party that are truth for them are truth for you. Even though they appear to be separated by party lines or border lines or panty lines.
The next time somebody speaks to you verbally, non-verbally, spatially, temporally – they want to be known and they want to know. Be the space that allows knowing and being known. You already are – get out of the way and let (you) both be.
When I’m present right now. What is present is Truth/Love/Aletheia. When Truth/Love/Aletheia are present. Right now. The only time Truth/Love/Aletheia is present right now. Truth/Love/Aletheia allow our Truth/Love/Aletheia present right now to be present right now. Experienced. This is why we (I) share. This is what we share. Right now. We share it so we’ll reveal that we share it. Right now.
With Love. Right Now. With Aletheia. With Love,
P.S. If this resonates in your experience I’d love to hear comments on what the experience looks/feels like. What do you hear and what does it feel like? It’s meant to be experiential rather than epistemological…challenging etymologically. Thanks for reading. I love you. I love me. I love us. I love.