somebody shits in your sink. Ahahahahaha.
Seriously. Both literally and metaphorically this happens every day in your town, your country, your world. What is your response when somebody does it?
First, let me give a little background about what I’m talking about here. By now, you should be clear that “Love is.” from reading my blog. It’s here, perhaps concealed from your view, but here none the less. All there is to be the “sort of person” who allows love to be present and experienced in the moment. (This is not a grammatical error – all there is to be – It wouldn’t make much sense to say all there is to do is to be, that defeats the point of being and it’s a limitation of English language.) Simple, not easy.
Second, until now I haven’t really mentioned in the blog that I own a few laundromats, du laverie automatique. They provide me a non-stop training environment for being love present and experienced. This, what I’m referring to, is my latest example. Even the cop who came to check out the vandalism was fairly shocked, disgusted, and appalled with what one of my fellow human beings left as their ‘contribution’, though I’m certain it’s far from the worst he’s seen.
Now, it would be easy to distinguish the source of this turd as an operational issue. You’re open 24 hours, of course somebody is going to shit in your sink. Of course.
I’ve long held (since getting in touch with who I am is love, present and experienced) that each of us has a full opportunity set of being in which to dwell. Any one of us could be Mother Teresa or Thich Nhat Hanh (choose your favorite “favorite person”) or the next Osama or Adolph or Dylan (choose your least favorite “nut job”). Most of us dwell somewhere in the middle. We don’t shit in anybody’s sink, but we also don’t clean up the shit that somebody else left.
Much easier to lean toward the villainous side however than to take a stand for causing a shift. There are really many more examples to model oneself after and we’re often so self denigrating that we rarely think that I am amazing. We’re curious about these “nutty ones” and we like trying to solve them, figure them out, label them, and fix them in various “correctional” facilities or solutions. It’s very challenging to let them be somebody who shits in your sink and love them anyway, maintaining your “always open 24 hours, vulnerable and willing to accept whatever offers you make” demeanor.
When “those people” are not shitting in my sink, they’re stealing copper, or change machines, or vandalizing in any multitude of ways. It’s fascinating. It’s also easy to become a reaction, put in more secure whatever, cameras to watch, drones to blow people up, whatever. Not being a violent reaction – that’s the real work. Not adding more hatred on top of the concealed love…man, that’s some work.
Building the capacity to allow love to be present is like climbing a mountain that has no top. It’s synonymous with honoring your word (aka, maintaining integrity) in that there will always be some area where you are not being love present.
People will always “wrong” you in your life – the people playing much bigger games than I am have much larger turds in their sinks. Compassionate laughter is my best friend. What’s yours?
I love you. All of you.